Day 3: Core Sleep

So Day 3 has begun decently well.  There's definitely less of the brain fog thing going on.  Energy isn't particularly high, but I can walk around without fear of falling asleep mid-step.  Last night instead of my 4 am nap, I added a core sleep cycle to the experiment by sleeping from 4 am - 7 am.  (Owen and Max, I owe you money. In hindsight, I realize that agreeing to a bet under the terms of oversleeping 2 hours or more was silly when part of the process involves experimenting with 3-hour core sleep cycles. Oh well.)

After the core sleep, I continued my regular nap pattern at 8 am.  I don't know whether today's energy and clear-headness is due to progressive adaptation or last evening's 3 hour  sleep.  I'm also realizing that I was holding myself to nearly impossible standards.  Until 12 am last night, I had only been a polyphasic sleeper for 2 days, but the increase of hours awake made me feel as if it were much longer.  Assuming that I had been doing it for ages, I was upset with my lack of progress, but in reality, Day 3 is considered to be the beginning of getting over the hump and I've only just started.  Definitely feeling good about all of this.  My family has even become supportive.  While they might not approve of the idea in itself, they view my determination as evidence that I just might make it somewhere in life.

My doctor sister told my mom that the 3 hour core sleep periods were  a really good idea.  It's probably smart, but I'm hesitant to do anything that might make the adaptation period any longer than necessary.  That decision will have to be more spur of the moment than anything else.         

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