Day 3 Update: Free Therapy

Today has been great.  On a scale of 10, I'd say my energy is a 7.  Brain capacity seems almost perfect (though I haven't actually done anything that would test it...).  I've been setting my alarm clock countdown to 30 minutes instead of 20 to allow myself 10 minutes to actually fall asleep.  I think I might alter my sleep schedule to include the 4 am - 7 am core sleep permanently.  I don't know if it's because of those 3 hours, but today I was able to lay on my friend's bed with almost no desire to sleep.  I tend to get drowsy in the hour before nap time but that seems fitting.

There's a weirdly psychological aspect to polyphasic sleep that I didn't expect.  I am naturally an extroverted person--to an unhealthy extent even.  I hate being alone whether it is due to boredom or discomfort with my own thoughts, I don't know, but the second one social interaction ends, I start scanning my cell phone looking for the next.  That was one of my biggest fears going into this experiment.  Not only would I be awake for many more hours but much of them would be spent alone.  

I'm surprised to say that regardless of whether it's 2 am or 6 am, those issues seem to have disappeared.  Maybe I'm so concentrated on not falling asleep that I am less occupied with my inner monologue?  I have no idea.  Maybe it will revert back when I have completely adapted to the polyphasic sleep cycle.  We'll see, but for now I get to enjoy therapy without the bill.

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