Telling the Rents

So even though I intended to keep my polyphasic experiment a secret from my parents, the whole being awake at 7 in the morning when my typical vacation sleep cycle is stay up until 4-5 am and then sleep till 1 pm aroused suspicion.  At lunch with the rents this afternoon, I slowly broke them into the idea of what I was doing.  While they are obviously cautious, they do find the whole thing interesting.  I directed them to this blog and the links so for now I have their support.  My mom even moved dinner to 8:20 tonight  so it wouldn't interfere with my nap.

My friends have been supportive though there are two wagers against me.  I was hanging out with my friend Owen this afternoon who had to wait for my 4 pm nap before we could go out.  So far I'm feeling okay.  I'm a little surprised how efficiently this is working.  I'm falling asleep pretty quickly for every nap, and I am able to wake up after 20 minutes.  The really difficult thing right now is trying to occupy my time.  I have lots of plans for books I want to read and what not, but in this initial assimilation stage, reading makes me too tired, same with watching tv.  My mom is planning on waking up sometime between my 4 am and 8 am nap to make me help her clean the closet ... I guess it's something to do.

I'm going out tonight to drink wine and party a bit.  Let's see how it affects my sleep.  

Day 1 Update

So just thought I'd let you know what's going on. My 8 am nap went a 'lil longer than it was supposed to, like 35 minutes instead of 20. I just woke up from my 12 pm nap. What started as a day filled with headaches and fatigue seem to be getting a little better. I'm not sure, but it seems that this might be working. It took me a few minutes to fall asleep, but when I woke up, I remembered fragments of some dreams. That'd be amazing if my body was already falling directly into R.E.M. sleep. I'm about to have lunch with my dad and then chill with some of my boys. I'll keep you posted. I'm worried about my 8 pm nap, hope dinner doesn't get in the way.

Day 1

So I just want to begin by outlining some of the obstacles of starting this process right now. I just got home for a 6-day vacation which leaves me at day 5 of the assimilation process when I have to make the drive back to school. My parents, aware of the allnighters I've had at school, want this vacation to be about rest and relaxing for me. Little do they know that I will be resting less than I ever have before. The thing is that I can't tell them what I'm doing cause they'd freak, but I also have to manage to avoid family activities during the nap times. Furthermore, if I do turn into a zombie, they'll worry.

So I've decided to make my 20 minute nap schedule 4 am, 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm, 8 pm, 12 am (easy ain't it). So I arrived back home today, ate a delicious home-cooked meal, and then went up to hang out with some highschool friends who go school in the city. We drank a bit and whatnot, and then I took my first nap at 12 am. Since I wasn't tired, I basically just lay in bed with my eyes shut for 20 minutes to let my body know what was gonna happen.

I got back home around 3 am, unpacked some of my clothes, talked with my friend Sarah who was staying the night and getting on a train to Pennsylvania the next day as she snuggled comfortably into her sheets. Reading that the key to this whole thing was staying busy, I started working on this blog.

As hard as I tried and as uncomfortably as I sat, I felt my eyes sagging. I read articles about massacres in third-world countries, I read NYT op-eds, and even my favorite celebrity gossip sites, but I felt like shit. It had barely been a few hours, and I was plummeting to failure. 4 am rolled around and I set my alarm for 20 minutes and passed out. While I may not have gone directly into R.E.M. sleep, the second my head hit the pillow I was out. When the alarm clock sounded minutes later, I had woken Sarah up and we briefly spoke about how I was going to pull this off.

I'll be honest, I was considering throwing in the towel. Not even more than two naps, I was just so tired and ready for a warm comfy bed. Sarah told me to think about it, but she thought that this vacation might not be my time (perhaps Thanksgiving where I'd have a full 10 days to get used to it). I stayed awake, working on the blog, listening to loud music (THIS IS KEY, really helped: I suggest Mars Volta, really gets the job done). But then something amazing happened ... I started feeling better.

While I definitely could have fallen asleep at any point, I wasn't nodding off and my eyes were wide. As I write this now it's 7:46 am, the last 45 minutes took a turn for the worse, but from what I've read, fatigue closer to nap time can be expected. I eagerly await my forthcoming nap, but I gotta say if I wake up as energized as I did after the previous nap, I might just pull this off.

Check in soon. Peace.