Day 5: Back at School: Fucked up Again

So I drove back to school today and the day only got worse from there.  The car ride was okay.  My friend took over during my two naps, but I had to push my first nap forward almost an hour.  Neither naps were particularly refreshing seeing as I've never been good at sleeping in the car.  My overall energy was down for the day, but I was comfortably competent to drive.  My body is definitely getting used to the polyphasic sleep cycle because I start to feel fatigue looming in the future a half-hour to an hour before nap time.

After arriving back on campus, I did the whole commons eating thing, and then I took my 8 pm nap.  This one was obviously much better, and I got to sleep more fully than during my car naps.  Around 10 that evening, I was working on a group project with some kids for a class.  I left at 11:45 to go take my 12 am nap with the intent to meet them a half hour later, but I woke up with much chagrin at 2:20 am rather than 12:20 am.

I don't know what it is, maybe I've been too lenient with my nap times pushing them back an hour here and there.  Or maybe it was because my earlier afternoon naps were un-regenerative, but I have to do something.  Sure, on one hand, I'm so happy that I only overslept 2 hours--I still cower in fear of the possibility that I might oversleep and wake up 6-10 hours later completely ruining my polyphasic sleep cycle, but something needs to change so that this works.

This evening I had one alarm clock that was supposed to wake me up, but I brought the one from home so I can eventually start using two for those rough nights.  Maybe it was a mistake to turn out the lights or sleep in my bed rather than the floor?  The two alarm clocks was more for when I drink because as my ex-girlfriend personally attested in a facebook message this afternoon, it is practically impossible to wake me up when I drink.  But if I'm not waking up from my loud ass alarm (having not substance-abused at all) then I'm not sure what to do.  

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to ensure a wake up, it would be much appreciated.  I had a daydream this afternoon of some sort of invention that shook from the sound waves of the alarm and tipped a bucket of water that hung over bed onto my face ... alas it would spill on my computer and I can't take the risk.

I am skipping my core sleep cycle this evening.  I'm going to nap at 4 am till 4:20 (sleep gods-willing) and then wake up to do some homework.  I just got an email about a quiz in a class on the readings that I haven't done (at least the professor was kind enough to tell us).  Also I'm going running at 7:30 tomorrow morning.  I know the core sleep cycle might be a really good idea, but it seems to be that 4 am - 7 am could be one of my most productive hours awake.

My work responsibilities at school have increased in regards to the newspaper, research assistant position, summer internship search, library employment, and obviously school work.  I'm finding this sleep cycle will be more necessary than ever.  8 minutes till my 4 am nap.  Cross your fingers for me to wake up.  Suggestions welcomed and appreciated.  Peace.