Day 15: Fatigue

Today has been interesting. Last evening, we threw a party for a good friend who is leaving school to work on a political campaign.  Although no one had the intention of getting drunk, the combination of the drinking game Civil War and Flip Cup along with twenty-one 40's offset everyone's plans.  I was able to fall asleep for my midnight nap even while slightly inebriated.  Since my friend woke me up, I don't know whether an alarm clock would have worked just as well.  After an assortment of evening activities, I went to bed at 2 am.  Waking up from my core sleep at 5 in the morning, I showered and spent a good half-hour waking my self up using face cleanser, walking in the cold, and listening to loud music on headphones.  Around 6:30/7ish, I went to the gym for an hour, then goofed off on my computer, ate breakfast, and went to my 9:30 class.

While it was great to be productive this morning, I found myself straining to keep my eyes open in all of my classes (even the 1:10 pm one).  I also feel a little sick today, but I am hoping that my extra fatigue and physical condition are a result of the flu shot which the doctor suggested could happen. As for my naps, I am falling to sleep relatively quickly and waking up at the sound of my alarm.  In fact, I've been waking up early, usually halfway through my nap simply because it feels like I've been asleep for so long that I must have missed the alarm.

I am definitely looking forward to a reboot day this weekend although I am not so sure whether rebooting once a week is a great idea.  I would appreciate any suggestions and thoughts.  Tonight is my radio show at midnight -- the only aspect of my schedule that directly conflicts with a nap

Day 14: Polyphasic Sleep the Way it Should Be

To me, this morning represented what polyphasic sleep is all about and the real reason I'm doing it.  I woke up at 7 am after my 3-hour core cycle, ran 3 miles, did two loads of laundry and folded them! (Usually, the clothes are left strewn across my bed for days).  Then I ate breakfast, went to my job at the school library for an hour, ate lunch, got a flu shot, and at 2 in the afternoon started doing homework.  Productivity rocks!

Of course, I am still not close to finishing up homework that is coming up or work that I needed to catch up on. Regardless of how many hours I'm awake, I always feel behind.

It should be noted today marks 2 weeks that I've been a polyphasic sleeper. According to the other blogs, this is the point where I am supposed to be fully assimilated. But because of my decision to sleep 7 hours the night prior, I have a feeling assimilation is still a ways off. I only hope those 7 hours haven't sent me back to square one.