Day 2 Conclusion: Vivid Dreams

So as Day 2 of my polyphasic sleep experiment comes to a close, I'm finding that I'm rarely hungry.  I can eat, but I really have no motivation to do so.  Earlier this evening (particularly after my hour and half nap screw up), I felt pretty energetic (6.5 out of 10).  Ever since I started, I've had what Pavlina refers to as "brain fog."  When that subsides, I'll feel like I'm really making progress. 

When I lay down for my 8 pm nap this evening, I wasn't able to fall asleep.  I kept my eyes closed and definitely had some extremely vivid (note: not lucid) dreams.  It may have been a mixture of substance use and sleep deprivation but every image my mind conjured, I could physically feel.  Mentally, I imagined a cigarette dangling off my bottom lip and then I could feel my lower lip sagging.  I imagined myself with an eyebrow piercing and instantly felt it above my right eye.  It was weird.  I'm drinking a few beers tonight so we'll see what happens with my 12 am nap.  

Depending on how I feel tonight, I might add another nap between 12 am and 8 am.  Pavlina and another polyphasic sleeper's blog suggested it as a temporary nap that can eventually be weened off.  Pavlina also said that he set his alarm clock for 30 minutes instead of 20 to account for the 10 odd minutes that it takes to fall asleep.  It's definitely possible that I've only been sleeping for 10 or 15 minutes depending on how long it's taken me to fall asleep.  A lot of interesting things to consider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SAMMY are you serious?! I go away for three days and I come back and see this?? You're crazy but at the same time what an awesome experiment. Take care of yourself bub...don't push yourself too hard ok? GOOD LUCK. I can't wait to hear about it when I get back. Love you xoxoxo Soph