Telling the Rents

So even though I intended to keep my polyphasic experiment a secret from my parents, the whole being awake at 7 in the morning when my typical vacation sleep cycle is stay up until 4-5 am and then sleep till 1 pm aroused suspicion.  At lunch with the rents this afternoon, I slowly broke them into the idea of what I was doing.  While they are obviously cautious, they do find the whole thing interesting.  I directed them to this blog and the links so for now I have their support.  My mom even moved dinner to 8:20 tonight  so it wouldn't interfere with my nap.

My friends have been supportive though there are two wagers against me.  I was hanging out with my friend Owen this afternoon who had to wait for my 4 pm nap before we could go out.  So far I'm feeling okay.  I'm a little surprised how efficiently this is working.  I'm falling asleep pretty quickly for every nap, and I am able to wake up after 20 minutes.  The really difficult thing right now is trying to occupy my time.  I have lots of plans for books I want to read and what not, but in this initial assimilation stage, reading makes me too tired, same with watching tv.  My mom is planning on waking up sometime between my 4 am and 8 am nap to make me help her clean the closet ... I guess it's something to do.

I'm going out tonight to drink wine and party a bit.  Let's see how it affects my sleep.  

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