First Fuck Up

So I had my first fuck up this afternoon.  I went to sleep at 4:20 and woke up at at 6:00.  (So in response to your text Owen, I'm still in the game cause it wasn't two hours).  I don't really know how it happened seeing as the alarm clock was right next to my ear.  That being said I guess I really needed the extra sleep.  To add insult to injury, I've been getting immunizations for my semester abroad in Uganda.  Today I got my meningitis, typhoid, and influenza shots, and I wonder if that had an effect on my sleepiness.

I've been re-reading Steve Pavlina's experience with polyphasic sleep.  He found his 1 am - 5 am cycle (the equivalent of my 12 am - 4 am) the hardest to stay awake in.  So what he did was add another nap in between at 3 am.  I might consider doing the same.  While I may have slipped here, I am going to continue to go strong.  Every blog I've read has the person missing one if not more alarms, and while I was hoping to get through without a mistake, this does not deter me from my ultimate goal.

In fact, Pavlina began experiencing more alertness and energy by day 3 and 4, so maybe tonight will be a new threshold for me.  Plus the additional hour and half of sleep I got will definitely make tonight a little easier even if I don't add that additional nap.  Another thing that Pavlina talks about is a core sleep time.  Some polyphasic sleepers add a 3-hour core sleep period often in the 4 am - 8 am range.  As intriguing and inviting as this sounds, I am going to stay away from it because it will make the adaptation period all the longer.  


Anonymous said...

Dammit! so close!

Anonymous said...

hey sam its lydia, you should only let yourself do something you like to do during that hard period, i think it was 4-8, like reading your favorite blogs or eating something you really. Saving something you really really enjoy for that certain period will make it easier and you will look forward to it instead of trying to figure out something to keep to occupied. keep it up babe!

Unknown said...

No, Baby bro.
Your first fuckup was letting your family know the address of your blog.
How many times have I told you: Information is power!