Day 7: Timelessness

As days start to blend in with each other, it becomes harder and harder to describe what happened that particular day, but I will continue using the midnight to midnight reference point. Today started out immensely difficult. Things were okay after my midnight nap on the floor that I wrote about previously, but I as got closer to my 4 am nap, fatigue started to set in. I started nodding off as I put in edits to the newspaper. Although I was extremely tired, I think I'm starting to fall directly into REM sleep. Writing an e-mail to a photographer on the newspaper staff, I intended to write "preferably when the fireplace is lit" but nodded off slightly and ended up writing "when the soldiers approaches." It is my hope that I slipped into some dream during that second of REM sleep that had to do with soldiers ... or I could be going crazy.

Things got a little better later on after my 4, 6, and 8 nap. I went running again at 9:30 feeling fine. The brain fog has returned slightly but more in the form of general tiredness. I'm starting to have vision problems somewhat like I did last year before I updated my prescription to trifocals. This could be because extended use of contacts. From here on out, I'm going to be wearing my glasses anytime I need to do extended reading. To be perfectly honest, I'm perplexed. I've now been on a polyphasic sleep cycle for a full week--it started out extremely difficult, got immensely easier, and has been degenerating since. While the assimilation stage is only half over, other polyphasic blogs mention Day 7 as time of clear headedness.

Recent naps have been a lot less restful. Every nap starts out with a fear that I won't actually fall asleep, that I'll miss a nap and crash. While I do eventually fall asleep every time, I've occasionally woke up mid-nap. I would have presumed that being so sleep deprived, my body would take what it could get. There's a possibility that these new challenges are due to my surroundings. As I start my naps, I'm often ruminating over the extensive work I have to do. Even my backup of trying to fill my mind with lewd thoughts hasn't distracted me. Additionally, the reason I may be waking up mid-nap is because I'm so scared of oversleeping. I'm starting to see why successful polyphasic sleepers often work out of their home and have a flexible schedule.

But if anything, I am appreciating polyphasic sleep more and more. I've been too busy with work to read any recreational books or hang out with friends. So while it's hard seeing all these extra hours devoted to work (that I'm still not getting completely done), I find faith in the fact that if I weren't on a polyphasic sleep cycle, I would be pulling all-nighters and feeling horrible the next day. At least now, I work as much as I can but can continue to do so the next day almost unaffected.

Sorry about all the weird font changes on the site, creating a uniform font is surprisingly difficult

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